Ministry of the Word
  Song of Songs ...Fr Jude


Fr Jude Ferreira
Live-in 28th Oct 2008
I. INTRODUCTION: In the Hebrew Song of Songs
Latin Vulgate it is called the Canticle of canticles, The best song.
In the RSV it is called the Song of Solomon.
The text is a dialogue between a women & man.
The daughter of Jerusalem.
The main speaker is a women
Man is show as a shepherd 1:7; King 1:4,12.
Fiction is the way of literary writing
Where is the book placed in the literary writings. Greek vulgate à in the Wisdom section
Basis: there are 2 lover who are love sick, Solomon & the Shunnamite women.
1 Kgs 1:1-4. Abhishok
No evidence that Solomon married Abhishok
These songs were very popular at weddings. Because the song was an allgory of the covenant love between YHWH & his people.. Marriage is the bond of the covenant love.
  1. It is Gods intention that human beings should before as a total personality
  2. That man & women should find a fulfillment in their union with each other.
  3. Married love should partake of the goodness of Gods creation
Who is the author, is it Solomon 3:7ff ; 8:11ff a case of pseudonomity. 1 Kgs 11:1,3.
Solomon is the greatest lover, he had many wives & concubines.
3. Date Post exilic after 538 BC Because of the Greek & Aramaic words in the writing in the poems. The Individual poems might be still earlier.
4. Canonicity. Because it was erotic in nature.
V. Literary form. The book appears to be a collection of love songs, The collection has unity, words & phrases are repeated.
Similar themes reappear.
Kind of Poems:
  1. Poems of yearning 1:2-4; 2:14-15.
  2. Poems of teasing 1:7-8; 2:15.
  3. Admiration 1:15 – 2:3; 4:9- 5:1
  4. Reminiscence à Remembering 2:8-13.
  5. Boast 6:8-10; 2:4
  6. How does the man look 5:10-16; 4:1-5; 7:1-9.
Images from nature:
The imagery is for the enjoyment of the mind & stimulation of the imagination.
Gazzel, deer                            Hinds
Doves                                     Foxes
Sheeps & goat                         Vine & vineyard
Cider & Cypress                       Figs & pomegranates
VI What can be the meaning:
Both the Jews & Christians agree on a religious interpretation of the SOS
For Jews it is the love of YHWH for Israel.
For the Xtians it is Xts love for his church
The OT refers this in Hosea Ch 1-3; in Is 62:5.
Human love is not be viewed apart from divine Love.
In a literary historical sense the SOS refers to love between human beings, human sexual love (in marriage) it is the 2nd. Highest form of union.
SOS 8:6 Human love is the flame of YHWH
In Gen 1-2. Man & women are called to sexual love. The 2 become one flesh
Gen 29:21-27 (Jacob)
Ps 45:            Royal Pss
Deu 16:9
CONCLUSION: God has made every thing good, love & sexuality is the base of all marriage. It is not only good it is HOLY.
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