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  > DEI VERBUM Fr Gilbert Live in


Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery . Today is a present ‘PRESENT’  
Fr Gilbert 5th June 08
Dei Verbum = word of God
I a. Introduction à Revelation. When we speak of God revealing himself to us, there are many questions that might confront us
i. Jn 1:18 No one has ever seen God, all of us are engaged in God talk.
ii. From where does our knowledge of God come.
iii. How does God communicate wit us.
iv. Freud à Is God a creation of our image.
v. Forms of Gods self revelation. à Historical revelation.
                                                      Cosmic revelation.
                                                     Mystical revelation.
                                                        Social revelation
vi. If God has revealed himself to us & he has. How is it that so many people are indifferent / ignorant to the reality of God
God is the ultimate mystery. The Church guides us in this mystery.
I b. The Genesis Dei Verbum.
i. Most significant document of Vatican Council II, it almost got thrown out.
John XIII introduced a commission 5.6.60.
A draft of the dogmatic constitution on the sources of the revelation
A 2nd commission was convened.
Then they had 3rd draft, 4th draft, 5th draft 18.11.65
It was passed just 20 days before the conclusion of the II Vat. Council.
I c. Basic Orientation Dei Verbum.
It provides a Biblical basis to understand Gods self revelation. It speaks of Gods self revelation. Taking place historically. (salvation history)& this revelation it climax in JC who is the final & definitive Rev. of God.
There are 3 perspectives of revelation:
i)                               Personal : God personally reveals himself in an on going relationship with Humanity.
ii)                               Christic : It is oriented to the mystery of Xt . Xt is the omega of this revelation.
iii)                             Trinitarian : The mystery of this trinity is the source & the goal of Gods self revelation.
II Background of Dei Verbum.
a.                 Revelation comes from Latin à Revelare à to take away the veil
Every person is a mystery, as the person reveals himself. When that person takes away the veil we can know that person. God is the ultimate mystery & so his self revelation God takes away the veil, in the process we can know God. God can be known from the creation & the things that were created.
b.                 When it comes to the scripture. The early church believed that Gods self revelation was complete with the new testament. In the 1st & the 2nd century we had the Gnostic Gk gnosis = sacred knowledge. The institution that went beyond the NT.
c.                  Thomas Aquinas. Summa Theologi
He adopted a cognitive / intellectual approach to understand revelation.
He perceived revelation as propositional truths revealed to us by God for our salvation
(ex. Different creeds, apostolic creed, Nicene creed)
I believe in God the father, creator of heaven & earth, I believe in Jesus the only son. (father & son same nature)
     d. The council of Trent reformers . Only scripture, only faith, only grace.
The emphasis was on the faith of the believer, the believers faith was important.
Emphasizes the objectivity of gods self revelation.
e. The 1st Vatican council 1870. Document ‘Dei Filius’ the revelation of the son of God.. In the face of the 2nd Philosophical school that were prevalent then, it composed the document on revelation.
i.                                                        Rationalism
ii.                                                      Fideism.
i)                  Rationalism : Was the part of the age of enlightenment (17th Cen) positive view of the world & human nature.
à It emphasized reasonà that man is a measure of all things.
à it celebrated freedom of enquiry
à it reflected external authority of any kind.
ii)                Fideism : Influenced by the philosopher Kant-à Theoretical reason
                                                                           à Practical reason.   Two abilities.
Thro our theoretical reason using the mind & reasoning we cannot arrive at the greatness of god, but by practical reasoning that is thro our conscience we have access to God.
à Blind faith is necessary to understand the mystery of God.
Teaching of Vat I ‘ Dei Filius ’
It composed it document on revelation. Xtian faith #113, 114, 216.
113: a) God can be known by the use of our reason, since he is present in creation.
b) God also chose to reveal himself & his eternal decrees (the truth of our faith) thro. Supernatural ways. Ie by sacred scripture & sacred traditions.
c) God also promised us with his divine revelation to teach us about our supernatural end.
Assessment of Vatican I : Vat I responds very well to rationalism & fideism by highlighting both the ability to reason out the mystery of God as well as highlight the limitations of reason & the need for supernatural revelation to supplement what reason lacks. Vat I was also not sufficiently Biblically based & personalistic in its understanding of Revelation.
III Basic Perspective of Revelation in Dei Verbum.
A.                John Powell there are 5 levels of communication.
i)                        Cliché Level : Standard expression
ii)                      Sharing of facts
iii)                   Conviction
iv)                    Share feelings or emotions which are unique to a person.
v)                      Intimacy deep understanding. Communication that goes even beyond words.
B        Progressive self revelation
      i) God freely chooses to reveal himself (gratuitously)
                                        progressive     gratis = free.
This self revelation of God (progressive) is recorded in sacred scripture (ss) in history of salvation , which also takes place today.
      ii) Vat I spoke of the mystery (plural), the truth of our faith revealed by God. Dei Verbum speaks of Biblical language & speaks of divine mystery (singular)
revealed to us in JC Eph 1:3-11.
This mystery which is in God is revealed in Christ as a plan for the whole creation.
(so that each one of us grows in the image & likeness of Christ)
iii)             Xt revealer of the father & the revealed eventually encountered. Mystery of the kingdom of God. Revelation is contended in JC. He is the Goal of revelation.
iv)     Revelation = Salvation, ie economy of revelation is identical with the plan of salvation.
ie in words deeds & events associated with Jesus Xt. We pensive the revelation of God & the salvafic works of God. Ex When Jesus heals the person. Jesus forgives because Jesus is God he is forgiving. The person is forgiven & he receives salvation.
V)                This Revelation & Salvation reaches its climax in the Pascal mystery of Xt
( Passion, Death, Resurrection, Ascension ) & the coming of the HSp.
vi)                    This self revelation of God is not a thing of the past it continues today. & in the light of Gods definitive of Gods self revelation in Xt we are able to recognize his self revelation today. ‘ In your light we see light”
IV Cosmic Revelation Dei Verbum 1, 2-6.
i)                               Cosmic Revelation refers to Gods revelation. à Universal / creation
                                                                          à Persons
                                                                           à Religion.
Rom 1:20 We sense the presence of God in the creation
Ps 8 The heavens are telling of the glory of God
Elizabeth Beret Browning : The Earth crammed with heaven & every bush & tree afire with God & the one who sees takes off his shoes & worships while the rest of us sit around and pluck black berries.
ii)                             Sensing the presence of God in person Gen 1:26 We are made in the image & likeness of God.
iii)                           Rom 2 :14-16 Some Gentiles who do not have the word of God to guide them nevertheless do what is right instinctively (Gk physis = nature, natural) this is because God has implanted in the conscience of all humanity the essential idea of right & wrong & so the conscience of these Gentiles some times approve their actions & sometimes condemns them. (v15)
Our conscience of sin is therefore part of our own human inheritance all the knowledge & the insight should therefore motivate us to desire a deeper knowledge of God.
iv)                           Other Religions, thro the power of the spirit holy men & women annunciate supernatural truth thro the auricles (wise sayings) these religions express their reality of a religious experience.
v)                             Cosmic revelation also refers to those belonging to no religious tradition yet live by certain fundamental values ‘atheists’ à theological atheist
                                                               à Practical Atheist
Theological Atheist : A Theo. At. Denies the existence of God, practically in life lives life of value. These values are absolute values.
A Practical Ath. This person exerts the existence of God in practice. He lives by no values.
GADIUM ET SPES 2: Often it is been the failure if the church to live up to her teachings & so there has not been enough effort to live the Gospels.
V.  Historical revelation: HR
Xtanity speaks of Historical Revelation. We can understand HR in the light of the analogies (comparisons) of a human relationship. There is a gradual process of revelation.
There are three stages of human relationship.
Thomas green :1. à Know the other 2. à love the other 3.à still love the other.  
God gradually revels himself in the course of the relationship.
DV 2. God thro his self revelation speaks to us as a friend, lives among us & eventually invites us to fellowship with him. The Bible in the exodus experience recognize God as saviour of their exile they perceived God as the God of the nation.
ii) We need to interpret History correctly so as to arrive at it true meaning.
 Ex. Exodus eventà Moses interprets the exodus event as an expression of Gods saving hand.
iii) This sense of history originated because of the belief that God was at work in their history. In faith they say history is salvation history. This enables them to perceive the deeper background thro historical events.
1v) There are certain moments in a human relationship when the true nature & character of the fiends become transparently clear. You discover the depth & intensity of the love so also in the context of historical revelation. In JXt we discover the climatic moment of Gods self revelation. The decisive events in his life contains the central data of Gods self revelations. In the baptism of Jesus where he was recognized as the son of God & acted with authority. Jesus forgave sins. Jesus died & rose again. Jesus gave the spirit. In Jn Ch 1 à the word thro whom all things were made (cosmic rev) became flesh (historical Rev)                  
VI Christian & Hindu view on Revelation:
i)                   Christian perspectiveà Positive view of History. It believes that God revels himself in & thro historical events & so history forms the content of our faith Ex. Deu 26:5-9.
Hindu Perspective : Hinduism has a negative view of history & mater& it believes that man is imprisoned in matter. This atma has to be removed . the veil of Ignorance avaida it has to get rid of Karma sanseva the endless cycle of birth & rebirth caused by the evil effects of our action.     Karma marg à action; Bhakti marg à devotion; gyana marg à knowledge. So as to expose its identity with the paramatma & get mukti = liberation
‘Tat tram Asi’ = thou art that.
Hindu = compassion of God;    Christian = empassion of God.
Ii} Christianity is moving in a linear direction towards omega (xt) moving towards a goal where as hinduism does not have a linear direction but a cyclic understanding of history,
it is not moving towards a goal
a.                  Therefore history has little significance for religion & so their religious beliefs are not expressed historically ‘I creed’ but are expressed through myths.
b.                 God does not manifest himself in history & so Hinduism does not speak of incarnation = flesh but avtaras.
VII. Public & Private Revelation # 67. CCC
1.                 # 67 CCC addresses the matter of private Rev.
2.                 Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger CDF presented the theological principal related to public & private rev.
3.                 He said public & private differ not only in degree (level) but also in essence (nature). Not that public rev. is given to all & binding to all but also that they are 2 kinds of rev. à public revà Gods rev of himself as expressed in the OT & the NT which reaches its climax in JC. It is Gods self Rev. directed to humanity as a whole. It is binding in all. It is expressed in sacred scripture, It is also referred to as a deposit of faith & is considered complete with the beginning of the post apostolic era. It is expressed & celebrated in à scripture, à liturgical celebrations, à & faith traditions of the church. It does not mean that God has stopped revealing himself. That the public revelations is the norm à rule / standard, to examine the claims of subsequent rev (pvt rev)
Norms to evaluate all other private Revelations. #67.
4.                 Pvt rev. à They reflect the charismatic nature of the church. These pvt rev are given to the individual & groups. Ex. Padre Pio, at Lourdes, Fatima, Margate Mart Alecoque. Some of the pvt rev attracted great public interest.
5.                 Criteria for the authencity of pvt rev.
a.                  Is the pvt rev consistent with public rev & the official interpretation of it.
b.                 Does the pvt rev build up the body of xt & society, or does it destroy it.
c.                  Does this contribute to our knowledge & love for God & human beings. Or is it strange.
d.                 Our the bearers of the pvt rev integral Christians or are they eccentric strange or odd.
e.                  Does the local Bp approve of the pvt rev, because he has the responsibility to safe guard the faith and order of the local church.
f.                   Even if pvt rev are authentic they are never binding on other members of the church, they bind only those to whom they have been directly given & freely choose to be bound by them./
VIII. Traditions: Dei Verbum 9:
The church derives a certainty about all revealed truth from ss & its traditions which must be accepted & honoured with equal sentiments of devotion & reverence. The protistants emphasis are on only ss. The catholic speak of ss & traditions.
One source of Rev. with 2 expressions ie ss & traditions.
In the church you have literist ie people who literally interpret the scripture with no reference to the sacred tradition of the magisterium (the teaching authority of the church). Vat II teaches us that the HSp has entrusted the task of authentically interpreting the scripture & sacred traditions to the magisterium to exercise their role in the name of Jesus DV 10.
This Bible only approach ie with no reference to the sacred traditions or the magisterium has resulted the church broken into thousands of groups each one interpreting the ss according to their own norms
Jesus desires & aul teaches Ep 4:3ff: One church, one body, one faith, one baptism, one Lord
How is Sacred Scripture formed:
1.                 The church was born on the feast of the pentacost thro the HSp.
2.                 In the first 35-40 yrs after this there was no written Gospel.
Empowered by the HSp the GN of Jesus was passed on from believer to believer from community to community 1 Cor. 15:3; 11:23; Paul says “I hand to you first of all what I myself received, namely that Xt died for our sins” (oral tradition)
3.                 The apostles went from place to place & established the church in different & local communities, they celebrated their faith in Xt to different liturgical celebrations, they started different traditions etc.
There was a great variety:
All these liturgical practices were not recorded in the gospel or in these letters. Because the gospel letters are not encyclopedic of Xtian means to proclaim the GN Jn 21, 25. Guided by the HSp the apostles appointed their successors they are the Bps. Their role was providing to safeguard the genuine apostolic traditions in the life & teachings of Jesus 2 Tim 2:2. “The things which you have heard from me before many witnesses you must entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also”. ie why in ss traditions of traditions
Tradition: refer to elements that are part of the essential components of our faith to dogmas of our faith, beliefs Christology, Mariology, Eucharistic organization of the church.
Tradition liturgical celebration denotes pious practices, which seek to express and celebrate the faith in different context. These could be described as adaptations of traditions. E.g. Divine Mercy, Rosary etc. These traditions can be modified retained abandoned.
Transsubstantiations with bread being converted into the body of Christ Host is substantially transferred into the flesh of Christ (The Council of trend 16th century)
Consubstantial= Of the same substance. Christ is the Son He is Consubstantial with the Father. This shows the unity of Father and Son.
                                                                                                                           Fr John
DV III: (A) SS Divine inspiration and interpretation
Brief introduction Clarification of terms
                         à                 GOD          à
                          DV 5                                               Revelation
                       FAITH                                             GOD self communication
          Human Being response                                 DV 2, 4, 6
                          ^                                                       I
                                                               Begins a (process reflection on the encounter)
                                         COMMUNITY à
                                                              Expressed in various theological terms, in     
                                                                   Languages, rituals art and practices
ß                                                                                                                                                                                          ß -
The purpose of Salvation DV 4, 6
Doctrine a belief statement that is officially and formally approved by the magesterium=The teaching authority of the Church
Can we prove our belief statements ? à I believe in the Trinity.   Jesus is the Son of God. 
Understanding -------------- Commitment
Know -------------------------- Believe
Understanding and Commitment mutually influence each other.  
 1 Inspiration DV pg 30 :
Action of the HSp by which the WOG is conveyed in human language in such a way that the SS are authored by both God and man.
1.                 John 20:31 The text is meant to lead in faith
2.                 Tim 3:16 Scripture is inspired
3.                 2 Peter1:20-21 Prophets have their origin in God.
4.                 2 peter 3:15-16 Paul’s writings are in the same level as SS
2. Church teaching = Doctrine “Council of Trent” 15:46
Decree of reception of the Sacred books and Apostolic traditions
a.                  Council of Trent : God is the Author of the OT and NT
b.                 Vatican I 1870      ND 216           The book of the OT & NT are sacred & canonical and they are written under the inspiration of the HSp and they have God for their Author.
c.                  Pope Leo XIII.
d.                 Pope Leo XV.
e.                  Pope Pius XII             Inspired by the HSp
3                   DV 11-13
Paul letter          I
Lk 1:1-4            I         Humans writing the letter
2 Mac 15:38       I        Readings from St Paul
Sirach  - preface I        This is the Word of the Lord
Theological reflection
How did God use these men ?
32 (a) God dictated to them, How can there be an error Bible 699.
We have errors in the Bible Ecc 1:4-6 (Galileo)
Human Authors is not the True Author
(b) Human Author wrote and God approved Subsequent approbation objections God is not the Author.
© Scholastic casualties: Human author wrote & God intervened to prevent mistakes. Negative assistance Pg 33.
d) God provided the ideas & human author provided the words.
e) God is the principal cause & human author is the instrument. I am writing with a piece of chalk instrument is not free & independent of the author Pg 32
How did God use these men?
There is no satisfactory answer. Change the question.
What do you mean when we say God &man are both authors, or scriptures are sacred & inspired?
1.                 The nature of Gods communication is incarnation God communicates in human words. In communication keep in mind the audience / recipient God speaks through prophets, law, and son. Its Gods words in human words.
Pg 8 DV 13
2.                 The Bible is the faith expression of the apostolic community which is normative for all times. The faith experience of the apostolic community is the standard or the reference point.
3.                 The author is the one who is responsible for the work. God is responsible to the church & the constituted element of the church………….. DV 8 Pg 4…. Pg 33
                                                                                          Pluck out your eye Mt 5:29-30
Note 1.  We are not dealing with a problem but with a mystery. We must hold both aspects of the mystery.
2. To human activities are related to the text Writing & Reading. Inspiration is applicable to both levels
3. The Bible as a whole is inspired therefore parts are inspired DV 11. Whole and entire   pg 6
The tradition does not state the reverse concentration on an isolated text can produce fundamentalism.
4.                 We must keep searching for an answer
What do you mean by God and Human are Authors ? à 1, 2, 3 Note: 1, 2 , 3 , 4
 © What do we mean when we say that the Bible is the WOG?
1. Jh 21:25   Jh 20:30.
The WOG surpasses the scriptures (Bible)
2. we use the term WOG for
a. Exo 21:1 ff Gods Rev
b. Gen 1:3 ,6 , 9 ,14 for the event of Salvation history , his word is effective (Hb Dabar ) effective word . He says and it happens
Ps 33:9 …………. He spoke and it came to be
Is 55:11 His word is accomplished
c.                  Ez 2:4-5 Spoken message of the prophets / Gods messengers “Thus says the Lord”
d.                 Jh 1:1 , 1:14    Rev 19:13 WOG is the person of Jesus .
e.                  Phil 1:14 The preaching of the apostles/Christians
f.                   The WOG = To the Bible
3                    God speaks in various ways Rm 1:20 , Hb 1:1 Speaks through Nature , History , Sun
The WOG is living and active Hb 4:12
DV 14 pg 8 ,
DV 17 pg 9 The WOG speaks to us in the pages of the Bible, Jesus Christ is revealed through the Bible , WOG . We are not the Religion of the book
DV 14 WOG in the OT
DV 17 WOG which is the power of Salvation is set forth in the NT therefore we are not a Religion of the Book , We believe in a person of JC who manifests himself through the Bible , therefore when you say , The Bible is a WOG we mean JC is the WOG who speaks through the Bible
DV 10 pg 5 ,
Ch III © Inerrancy – Truths in the Bible
Since the Bible is Inspired it is without error. There should be no errors , but we find
a.                  Difficulties with regard to morality
-                     Polygamy was practiced by the Kings
-                     God commands to destroy. 1 Sam 15:1-3
-                     Curses Ps 83 :13-17
-                     Deceit Gen 25:29-34
b.                 Contradictions
-                     Two accounts of Creation Gen 1 , Gen 2 .
-                      Flood Gen 7:12 ,         8:6   40 days   ---------------------- pg 34
               Gen 8:3   150 days
-                     Reflections of Jesus of Naz. Lk 4:29 beginning ----------------------- Mt 13:53-58
Mt & Mk at the end of the ministry in Galilee ------- Mk 6:16
-                     Genealogies Mt -------- Lk Both these genealogies are different
-                     Ascension ----------------- Lk 24 Same day as Resurrection
                                         Act 1 :3 , 9 40 days later
Other difficulties in the account of Creation , Science will not agree with
Ecc 1:4-6 Son going around the Earth  
Mk 2:25-26 Abhitar is the High Priest ? ----------- he was not the High Priest at the time
DV 11 Pg 7.
The Bible is without error because ie for the sake of salvation. The Bible / SS teaches without error the truth of salvation, we are not looking for scientific truths, but we are looking for truths & salvation. He will set us free.So we may have life & have it in abundance.
Truths of the Bible: DV 11 pg 7:
With truth regarding salvation the Bible will not make an error. The Bible or SS teaches without error the truths of salvation. Israel / Hb understanding of the truth. For Israel truth (emeth) is gods faithfulness. The scriptures are true, for Israel does not mean that the SS are without error. The scriptures manifest Gods fidelity to his people.
(true friends = faithful friends)
When we say that the Bible is true
1.                 The Bible teaches the truth of salvation without errors.
2.                 The Bible reveals that God is faithful à Gods fidelity.
DV 11 Pg 7 : Books of the SS
Ch IV DV 14 Pg 8: The OT
The values of the OT------------à last 5 lines
1.                 The economy of Salvation appears as the true WOG,
Gods plan unfolds in the OT (Abraham, Moses & the prophets)
2.                 The OT prepares for & declares in prophecy the coming of Xt thios indicates the coming of Xt & his kingdom by means of types ( Joseph, Moses) they reflect an aspect of Xt for the kingdom.
3.                 Even though they contain matters that are provisional & imperfect, yet they contain authentic divine teachings DV 15.
-                     Express the lively sense of God.
-                     Store house of sublime teachings of the just & mercifyul.
-                     Sound wisdom of human life
-                     Wonderful treasury of prayer.----------------Ps
DV 16 pg 9:
4.                 In the Ot the mystery of salvation is presented in a HIDDEN WAY--------------- DV 16.
5.                 OT shares light ot the NT, which helps us to understand the titles of Jesus à Rabbi, àmessiah, à Passover, à son of David, à suffering servant, Jerusalem, images of the Vine , bread. Bride.
6.                 OT is the reflection of our human life.
We identify with the characters à with the faith journey.
Ch V. NT: DV 17. Pg 9.
The values of the NT. The WOG which is the power of God for salvation is set forth in the NT – the writings of the NT stands as the perpetual & divine writing to these realities
-The wd became flesh.
- Xt established on us the KOG
- Xt revealed his father & him by his death & Ress à sending his HSp
Pg 10: Draws all people to himself, he has the words of eternal life. Apostle, preaching the Gs, He stirs our faith, brings together our church.
DV 18 Gospels: Gs are a principal source of life & teachings of the incarnate word of our saviour.
DV 19: They faithfully hand down what Jesus thought & did for their eternal salvation.
The author selects certain elements that was handed to them, they synthesize according to the situation of the church. They told us the honest truth about Jesus.
DV 20 Pg 11: Firmly establishing those matters which concern Christ, they formulate more & more his precious teachings.
à Preach the saving power of Xt divine work & foretell its glorious consumption.
Ref NJBC 65:54-72.  
DV 19 Pg 36: Formation of the OT 35 ff
The OT canon
1.                                         Law à Torah-----------à 5 Books
2.                                         Prophets-à Nebiim        21 Books
3.                                         Written--à Ketubim        13 Books
                               Total   39 Books    Hb Palestine Canon
                       Greek     à   7 Books Deutro Canonical à Apocrypha Protestant
                                          46 Alexandrian Canon
Sirac; Judith; 1 Mac; Tobit à were written in Hb Aramaic.
        50                55          60           65                70               80            90             100
  I Thess 51        Rom                   1 & 2 Cor       Mk; Mt; Lk       Acts          Jhon         2 Pet
                       Gal; Phil                 Philomon            Col         Hb; Jam          Tit
                                                                             Eph      Jud; 1. Pet    1 & 2 Tim  
                                                                                                             1 2 3 Jn
                                                                                                             2 Thess
The earliest Kerygma ( proclamation) Acts 2:23-24; 32-33; 3:13, 15; 5:30-31.
                                                     Romans: 10:9; 14:9; Col 1:18.
Early Creed : 1 Cor 15:1-11.
Early Hymn : Phil 2:6-11.
Rev past & present.
DV 4 Pg 2. : Rev is complete & perfected (past)
DV 8 Pg 5: God continues to converse with the spouse of his beloved son ( present)
Rev in terms of content is complete (past)
Rev in terms of encounter is continuous (present)
Foundational Rev. The experience of the apostolic community in the
Life / death / resurrection / ascension / HSp.-------------------- past
Dependent Rev : Experience of the community today ------------- present
Scripture / to the preaching / sacraments / recalling life death resurrection, & ascension
Foundational Rev. Closed with death of the last apostle.
Private Revelation:
Revelation which does not form part of the official revelation the SS & traditions.
n                                          They do not give any new doctrines.
n                                          When recognized by the magisterium it becomes private revelations ie recognized & approved.
CCC 67 Pvt Rev they do not complete or add to ‘Christ’s’ rev.
-                               Help us to live in a certain period of history.
Revelation & Symbolic Communication:
Whole of our life is symbolic. Human beings communicate thro symbols. God will also use symbols to communicate with us. The symbols & realities are very closely related, cannot be separated but should not be identified. Symbols speak to the whole person (heart, mind & whole being). Religious symbols are transformative. They make an impact on the whole person. Help to make an unbearable situation bearable.
The author Gerad O Collins. à Retrieving fundamental theology.
Models of Revelation. Avery Dulles.
How does God reveal or communicate with us.
1. God reveals through statements or words teaching proportional words. Ex. The Bible, the documents of the church.                                                                                      Response required. The reader must be attentive to what is thought,                              advantage of looking at rev in the way there is clarification about what God reveals, disadvantage the text must be seen in context.
2                   God reveals thro events or thro history. Ex. Exodusà the exile à the death & Resurrection events of history. Events of my life.
Response : I have to interpret / discern Gods signs
Advantage : We see God as active, proactive, approachable.
Disadvantage : Bible is seen as a mere commentary.
3. God reveals thro inner Experience
Ex I have an encounter with God. In prayer.                                                                                                                                               
Response: Openness in prayer
Advantage: It encourage prayer, Links prayer to theology.
Disadvantage: There is a danger of Individualism
4. God reveals thro proclamation, or judgment that calls for a response
Ex. Proclaiming, when the message is preached.
Response: Obedience. I submit / I surrender.
Advantage : Revelation is a pure gift.
Disadvantage : I remain far from God as a sinner
5.God reveals thro new awareness. Rev gives me a new perspective of life / self Discover God within you. Inner potential.
Response: Dare to dream of a new world / change                                                       
Advantage : Rev promotes human responsibility / credibility.
Disadvantage: Rejects rev from outside.
                                                                                                                            Fr Harry.
All communication involves
The communicator           &          the communicated.
Sender                           &           receiver
Writer / author                             written / reader
Communication involves
1. Medium language & Original language
    Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek.
    Words Idioms Grammar
2. Context.
3. Language & context, predisposition, precomprehension, prejudice.
General principals of interpretations:
1. Key principal :- carefully search out the intended
Meaning of the Author         &             Bible interpretation.
News paper                                       Patriarch, Love Stories
Cartoons                                           Woe, Lamentations.
Reports                                             Genealogies
Literary forms:-    Analysis                   Prophets Oracles
Editorials                                          Liturgical Homilies
Humor                                              Eph 1-3 Baptismal homilies.
Search for Authors Intended meaning
2. Study the Literary Forms.
Jesus teachings, pronouncements, controversies & stories. & what with the how
3. Pay attention to the content & unity of the whole SS
Is 6. God is transcended for as demanding
Gn 2. God is close & near.
Hos 11:1-9. Tender experiences of Love.
The Gospel portrays the down to earth humanity of Jesus.
Jesus is human, he is also far removed from us as a transfigured Lord
Jesus fasts & feasts
Jesus is gentle, meek, strong, & Zealous
Mt 10:37-38   Mt has shown how to understand the interpretation of the GSp
Lk 14:26-27   Lk most probably has the closest version.
Eph 5: 21-22
Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery . Today is a present ‘PRESENT’  
Fr Gilbert 5th June 08
Dei Verbum = word of God
I a. Introduction à Revelation. When we speak of God revealing himself to us, there are many questions that might confront us
i. Jn 1:18 No one has ever seen God, all of us are engaged in God talk.
ii. From where does our knowledge of God come.
iii. How does God communicate wit us.
iv. Freud à Is God a creation of our image.
v. Forms of Gods self revelation. à Historical revelation.
                                                      Cosmic revelation.
                                                     Mystical revelation.
                                                        Social revelation
vi. If God has revealed himself to us & he has. How is it that so many people are indifferent / ignorant to the reality of God
God is the ultimate mystery. The Church guides us in this mystery.
I b. The Genesis Dei Verbum.
i. Most significant document of Vatican Council II, it almost got thrown out.
John XIII introduced a commission 5.6.60.
A draft of the dogmatic constitution on the sources of the revelation
A 2nd commission was convened.
Then they had 3rd draft, 4th draft, 5th draft 18.11.65
It was passed just 20 days before the conclusion of the II Vat. Council.
I c. Basic Orientation Dei Verbum.
It provides a Biblical basis to understand Gods self revelation. It speaks of Gods self revelation. Taking place historically. (salvation history)& this revelation it climax in JC who is the final & definitive Rev. of God.
There are 3 perspectives of revelation:
i)                               Personal : God personally reveals himself in an on going relationship with Humanity.
ii)                               Christic : It is oriented to the mystery of Xt . Xt is the omega of this revelation.
iii)                             Trinitarian : The mystery of this trinity is the source & the goal of Gods self revelation.
II Background of Dei Verbum.
a.                 Revelation comes from Latin à Revelare à to take away the veil
Every person is a mystery, as the person reveals himself. When that person takes away the veil we can know that person. God is the ultimate mystery & so his self revelation God takes away the veil, in the process we can know God. God can be known from the creation & the things that were created.
b.                 When it comes to the scripture. The early church believed that Gods self revelation was complete with the new testament. In the 1st & the 2nd century we had the Gnostic Gk gnosis = sacred knowledge. The institution that went beyond the NT.
c.                  Thomas Aquinas. Summa Theologi
He adopted a cognitive / intellectual approach to understand revelation.
He perceived revelation as propositional truths revealed to us by God for our salvation
(ex. Different creeds, apostolic creed, Nicene creed)
I believe in God the father, creator of heaven & earth, I believe in Jesus the only son. (father & son same nature)
     d. The council of Trent reformers . Only scripture, only faith, only grace.
The emphasis was on the faith of the believer, the believers faith was important.
Emphasizes the objectivity of gods self revelation.
e. The 1st Vatican council 1870. Document ‘Dei Filius’ the revelation of the son of God.. In the face of the 2nd Philosophical school that were prevalent then, it composed the document on revelation.
i.                                                        Rationalism
ii.                                                      Fideism.
i)                  Rationalism : Was the part of the age of enlightenment (17th Cen) positive view of the world & human nature.
à It emphasized reasonà that man is a measure of all things.
à it celebrated freedom of enquiry
à it reflected external authority of any kind.
ii)                Fideism : Influenced by the philosopher Kant-à Theoretical reason
                                                                           à Practical reason.   Two abilities.
Thro our theoretical reason using the mind & reasoning we cannot arrive at the greatness of god, but by practical reasoning that is thro our conscience we have access to God.
à Blind faith is necessary to understand the mystery of God.
Teaching of Vat I ‘ Dei Filius ’
It composed it document on revelation. Xtian faith #113, 114, 216.
113: a) God can be known by the use of our reason, since he is present in creation.
b) God also chose to reveal himself & his eternal decrees (the truth of our faith) thro. Supernatural ways. Ie by sacred scripture & sacred traditions.
c) God also promised us with his divine revelation to teach us about our supernatural end.
Assessment of Vatican I : Vat I responds very well to rationalism & fideism by highlighting both the ability to reason out the mystery of God as well as highlight the limitations of reason & the need for supernatural revelation to supplement what reason lacks. Vat I was also not sufficiently Biblically based & personalistic in its understanding of Revelation.
III Basic Perspective of Revelation in Dei Verbum.
A.                John Powell there are 5 levels of communication.
i)                        Cliché Level : Standard expression
ii)                      Sharing of facts
iii)                   Conviction
iv)                    Share feelings or emotions which are unique to a person.
v)                      Intimacy deep understanding. Communication that goes even beyond words.
B        Progressive self revelation
      i) God freely chooses to reveal himself (gratuitously)
                                        progressive     gratis = free.
This self revelation of God (progressive) is recorded in sacred scripture (ss) in history of salvation , which also takes place today.
      ii) Vat I spoke of the mystery (plural), the truth of our faith revealed by God. Dei Verbum speaks of Biblical language & speaks of divine mystery (singular)
revealed to us in JC Eph 1:3-11.
This mystery which is in God is revealed in Christ as a plan for the whole creation.
(so that each one of us grows in the image & likeness of Christ)
iii)             Xt revealer of the father & the revealed eventually encountered. Mystery of the kingdom of God. Revelation is contended in JC. He is the Goal of revelation.
iv)     Revelation = Salvation, ie economy of revelation is identical with the plan of salvation.
ie in words deeds & events associated with Jesus Xt. We pensive the revelation of God & the salvafic works of God. Ex When Jesus heals the person. Jesus forgives because Jesus is God he is forgiving. The person is forgiven & he receives salvation.
V)                This Revelation & Salvation reaches its climax in the Pascal mystery of Xt
( Passion, Death, Resurrection, Ascension ) & the coming of the HSp.
vi)                    This self revelation of God is not a thing of the past it continues today. & in the light of Gods definitive of Gods self revelation in Xt we are able to recognize his self revelation today. ‘ In your light we see light”
IV Cosmic Revelation Dei Verbum 1, 2-6.
i)                               Cosmic Revelation refers to Gods revelation. à Universal / creation
                                                                          à Persons
                                                                           à Religion.
Rom 1:20 We sense the presence of God in the creation
Ps 8 The heavens are telling of the glory of God
Elizabeth Beret Browning : The Earth crammed with heaven & every bush & tree afire with God & the one who sees takes off his shoes & worships while the rest of us sit around and pluck black berries.
ii)                             Sensing the presence of God in person Gen 1:26 We are made in the image & likeness of God.
iii)                           Rom 2 :14-16 Some Gentiles who do not have the word of God to guide them nevertheless do what is right instinctively (Gk physis = nature, natural) this is because God has implanted in the conscience of all humanity the essential idea of right & wrong & so the conscience of these Gentiles some times approve their actions & sometimes condemns them. (v15)
Our conscience of sin is therefore part of our own human inheritance all the knowledge & the insight should therefore motivate us to desire a deeper knowledge of God.
iv)                           Other Religions, thro the power of the spirit holy men & women annunciate supernatural truth thro the auricles (wise sayings) these religions express their reality of a religious experience.
v)                             Cosmic revelation also refers to those belonging to no religious tradition yet live by certain fundamental values ‘atheists’ à theological atheist
                                                               à Practical Atheist
Theological Atheist : A Theo. At. Denies the existence of God, practically in life lives life of value. These values are absolute values.
A Practical Ath. This person exerts the existence of God in practice. He lives by no values.
GADIUM ET SPES 2: Often it is been the failure if the church to live up to her teachings & so there has not been enough effort to live the Gospels.
V.  Historical revelation: HR
Xtanity speaks of Historical Revelation. We can understand HR in the light of the analogies (comparisons) of a human relationship. There is a gradual process of revelation.
There are three stages of human relationship.
Thomas green :1. à Know the other 2. à love the other 3.à still love the other.  
God gradually revels himself in the course of the relationship.
DV 2. God thro his self revelation speaks to us as a friend, lives among us & eventually invites us to fellowship with him. The Bible in the exodus experience recognize God as saviour of their exile they perceived God as the God of the nation.
ii) We need to interpret History correctly so as to arrive at it true meaning.
 Ex. Exodus eventà Moses interprets the exodus event as an expression of Gods saving hand.
iii) This sense of history originated because of the belief that God was at work in their history. In faith they say history is salvation history. This enables them to perceive the deeper background thro historical events.
1v) There are certain moments in a human relationship when the true nature & character of the fiends become transparently clear. You discover the depth & intensity of the love so also in the context of historical revelation. In JXt we discover the climatic moment of Gods self revelation. The decisive events in his life contains the central data of Gods self revelations. In the baptism of Jesus where he was recognized as the son of God & acted with authority. Jesus forgave sins. Jesus died & rose again. Jesus gave the spirit. In Jn Ch 1 à the word thro whom all things were made (cosmic rev) became flesh (historical Rev)                  
VI Christian & Hindu view on Revelation:
i)                   Christian perspectiveà Positive view of History. It believes that God revels himself in & thro historical events & so history forms the content of our faith Ex. Deu 26:5-9.
Hindu Perspective : Hinduism has a negative view of history & mater& it believes that man is imprisoned in matter. This atma has to be removed . the veil of Ignorance avaida it has to get rid of Karma sanseva the endless cycle of birth & rebirth caused by the evil effects of our action.     Karma marg à action; Bhakti marg à devotion; gyana marg à knowledge. So as to expose its identity with the paramatma & get mukti = liberation
‘Tat tram Asi’ = thou art that.
Hindu = compassion of God;    Christian = empassion of God.
Ii} Christianity is moving in a linear direction towards omega (xt) moving towards a goal where as hinduism does not have a linear direction but a cyclic understanding of history,
it is not moving towards a goal
a.                  Therefore history has little significance for religion & so their religious beliefs are not expressed historically ‘I creed’ but are expressed through myths.
b.                 God does not manifest himself in history & so Hinduism does not speak of incarnation = flesh but avtaras.
VII. Public & Private Revelation # 67. CCC
1.                 # 67 CCC addresses the matter of private Rev.
2.                 Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger CDF presented the theological principal related to public & private rev.
3.                 He said public & private differ not only in degree (level) but also in essence (nature). Not that public rev. is given to all & binding to all but also that they are 2 kinds of rev. à public revà Gods rev of himself as expressed in the OT & the NT which reaches its climax in JC. It is Gods self Rev. directed to humanity as a whole. It is binding in all. It is expressed in sacred scripture, It is also referred to as a deposit of faith & is considered complete with the beginning of the post apostolic era. It is expressed & celebrated in à scripture, à liturgical celebrations, à & faith traditions of the church. It does not mean that God has stopped revealing himself. That the public revelations is the norm à rule / standard, to examine the claims of subsequent rev (pvt rev)
Norms to evaluate all other private Revelations. #67.
4.                 Pvt rev. à They reflect the charismatic nature of the church. These pvt rev are given to the individual & groups. Ex. Padre Pio, at Lourdes, Fatima, Margate Mart Alecoque. Some of the pvt rev attracted great public interest.
5.                 Criteria for the authencity of pvt rev.
a.                  Is the pvt rev consistent with public rev & the official interpretation of it.
b.                 Does the pvt rev build up the body of xt & society, or does it destroy it.
c.                  Does this contribute to our knowledge & love for God & human beings. Or is it strange.
d.                 Our the bearers of the pvt rev integral Christians or are they eccentric strange or odd.
e.                  Does the local Bp approve of the pvt rev, because he has the responsibility to safe guard the faith and order of the local church.
f.                   Even if pvt rev are authentic they are never binding on other members of the church, they bind only those to whom they have been directly given & freely choose to be bound by them./
VIII. Traditions: Dei Verbum 9:
The church derives a certainty about all revealed truth from ss & its traditions which must be accepted & honoured with equal sentiments of devotion & reverence. The protistants emphasis are on only ss. The catholic speak of ss & traditions.
One source of Rev. with 2 expressions ie ss & traditions.
In the church you have literist ie people who literally interpret the scripture with no reference to the sacred tradition of the magisterium (the teaching authority of the church). Vat II teaches us that the HSp has entrusted the task of authentically interpreting the scripture & sacred traditions to the magisterium to exercise their role in the name of Jesus DV 10.
This Bible only approach ie with no reference to the sacred traditions or the magisterium has resulted the church broken into thousands of groups each one interpreting the ss according to their own norms
Jesus desires & aul teaches Ep 4:3ff: One church, one body, one faith, one baptism, one Lord
How is Sacred Scripture formed:
1.                 The church was born on the feast of the pentacost thro the HSp.
2.                 In the first 35-40 yrs after this there was no written Gospel.
Empowered by the HSp the GN of Jesus was passed on from believer to believer from community to community 1 Cor. 15:3; 11:23; Paul says “I hand to you first of all what I myself received, namely that Xt died for our sins” (oral tradition)
3.                 The apostles went from place to place & established the church in different & local communities, they celebrated their faith in Xt to different liturgical celebrations, they started different traditions etc.
There was a great variety:
All these liturgical practices were not recorded in the gospel or in these letters. Because the gospel letters are not encyclopedic of Xtian means to proclaim the GN Jn 21, 25. Guided by the HSp the apostles appointed their successors they are the Bps. Their role was providing to safeguard the genuine apostolic traditions in the life & teachings of Jesus 2 Tim 2:2. “The things which you have heard from me before many witnesses you must entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also”. ie why in ss traditions of traditions
Tradition: refer to elements that are part of the essential components of our faith to dogmas of our faith, beliefs Christology, Mariology, Eucharistic organization of the church.
Tradition liturgical celebration denotes pious practices, which seek to express and celebrate the faith in different context. These could be described as adaptations of traditions. E.g. Divine Mercy, Rosary etc. These traditions can be modified retained abandoned.
Transsubstantiations with bread being converted into the body of Christ Host is substantially transferred into the flesh of Christ (The Council of trend 16th century)
Consubstantial= Of the same substance. Christ is the Son He is Consubstantial with the Father. This shows the unity of Father and Son.
                                                                                                                           Fr John
DV III: (A) SS Divine inspiration and interpretation
Brief introduction Clarification of terms
                         à                 GOD          à
                          DV 5                                               Revelation
                       FAITH                                             GOD self communication
          Human Being response                                 DV 2, 4, 6
                          ^                                                       I
                                                               Begins a (process reflection on the encounter)
                                         COMMUNITY à
                                                              Expressed in various theological terms, in     
                                                                   Languages, rituals art and practices
ß                                                                                                                                                                                          ß -
The purpose of Salvation DV 4, 6
Doctrine a belief statement that is officially and formally approved by the magesterium=The teaching authority of the Church
Can we prove our belief statements ? à I believe in the Trinity.   Jesus is the Son of God. 
Understanding -------------- Commitment
Know -------------------------- Believe
Understanding and Commitment mutually influence each other.  
 1 Inspiration DV pg 30 :
Action of the HSp by which the WOG is conveyed in human language in such a way that the SS are authored by both God and man.
1.                 John 20:31 The text is meant to lead in faith
2.                 Tim 3:16 Scripture is inspired
3.                 2 Peter1:20-21 Prophets have their origin in God.
4.                 2 peter 3:15-16 Paul’s writings are in the same level as SS
2. Church teaching = Doctrine “Council of Trent” 15:46
Decree of reception of the Sacred books and Apostolic traditions
a.                  Council of Trent : God is the Author of the OT and NT
b.                 Vatican I 1870      ND 216           The book of the OT & NT are sacred & canonical and they are written under the inspiration of the HSp and they have God for their Author.
c.                  Pope Leo XIII.
d.                 Pope Leo XV.
e.                  Pope Pius XII             Inspired by the HSp
3                   DV 11-13
Paul letter          I
Lk 1:1-4            I         Humans writing the letter
2 Mac 15:38       I        Readings from St Paul
Sirach  - preface I        This is the Word of the Lord
Theological reflection
How did God use these men ?
32 (a) God dictated to them, How can there be an error Bible 699.
We have errors in the Bible Ecc 1:4-6 (Galileo)
Human Authors is not the True Author
(b) Human Author wrote and God approved Subsequent approbation objections God is not the Author.
© Scholastic casualties: Human author wrote & God intervened to prevent mistakes. Negative assistance Pg 33.
d) God provided the ideas & human author provided the words.
e) God is the principal cause & human author is the instrument. I am writing with a piece of chalk instrument is not free & independent of the author Pg 32
How did God use these men?
There is no satisfactory answer. Change the question.
What do you mean when we say God &man are both authors, or scriptures are sacred & inspired?
1.                 The nature of Gods communication is incarnation God communicates in human words. In communication keep in mind the audience / recipient God speaks through prophets, law, and son. Its Gods words in human words.
Pg 8 DV 13
2.                 The Bible is the faith expression of the apostolic community which is normative for all times. The faith experience of the apostolic community is the standard or the reference point.
3.                 The author is the one who is responsible for the work. God is responsible to the church & the constituted element of the church………….. DV 8 Pg 4…. Pg 33
                                                                                          Pluck out your eye Mt 5:29-30
Note 1.  We are not dealing with a problem but with a mystery. We must hold both aspects of the mystery.
2. To human activities are related to the text Writing & Reading. Inspiration is applicable to both levels
3. The Bible as a whole is inspired therefore parts are inspired DV 11. Whole and entire   pg 6
The tradition does not state the reverse concentration on an isolated text can produce fundamentalism.
4.                 We must keep searching for an answer
What do you mean by God and Human are Authors ? à 1, 2, 3 Note: 1, 2 , 3 , 4
 © What do we mean when we say that the Bible is the WOG?
1. Jh 21:25   Jh 20:30.
The WOG surpasses the scriptures (Bible)
2. we use the term WOG for
a. Exo 21:1 ff Gods Rev
b. Gen 1:3 ,6 , 9 ,14 for the event of Salvation history , his word is effective (Hb Dabar ) effective word . He says and it happens
Ps 33:9 …………. He spoke and it came to be
Is 55:11 His word is accomplished
c.                  Ez 2:4-5 Spoken message of the prophets / Gods messengers “Thus says the Lord”
d.                 Jh 1:1 , 1:14    Rev 19:13 WOG is the person of Jesus .
e.                  Phil 1:14 The preaching of the apostles/Christians
f.                   The WOG = To the Bible
3                    God speaks in various ways Rm 1:20 , Hb 1:1 Speaks through Nature , History , Sun
The WOG is living and active Hb 4:12
DV 14 pg 8 ,
DV 17 pg 9 The WOG speaks to us in the pages of the Bible, Jesus Christ is revealed through the Bible , WOG . We are not the Religion of the book
DV 14 WOG in the OT
DV 17 WOG which is the power of Salvation is set forth in the NT therefore we are not a Religion of the Book , We believe in a person of JC who manifests himself through the Bible , therefore when you say , The Bible is a WOG we mean JC is the WOG who speaks through the Bible
DV 10 pg 5 ,
Ch III © Inerrancy – Truths in the Bible
Since the Bible is Inspired it is without error. There should be no errors , but we find
a.                  Difficulties with regard to morality
-                     Polygamy was practiced by the Kings
-                     God commands to destroy. 1 Sam 15:1-3
-                     Curses Ps 83 :13-17
-                     Deceit Gen 25:29-34
b.                 Contradictions
-                     Two accounts of Creation Gen 1 , Gen 2 .
-                      Flood Gen 7:12 ,         8:6   40 days   ---------------------- pg 34
               Gen 8:3   150 days
-                     Reflections of Jesus of Naz. Lk 4:29 beginning ----------------------- Mt 13:53-58
Mt & Mk at the end of the ministry in Galilee ------- Mk 6:16
-                     Genealogies Mt -------- Lk Both these genealogies are different
-                     Ascension ----------------- Lk 24 Same day as Resurrection
                                         Act 1 :3 , 9 40 days later
Other difficulties in the account of Creation , Science will not agree with
Ecc 1:4-6 Son going around the Earth  
Mk 2:25-26 Abhitar is the High Priest ? ----------- he was not the High Priest at the time
DV 11 Pg 7.
The Bible is without error because ie for the sake of salvation. The Bible / SS teaches without error the truth of salvation, we are not looking for scientific truths, but we are looking for truths & salvation. He will set us free.So we may have life & have it in abundance.
Truths of the Bible: DV 11 pg 7:
With truth regarding salvation the Bible will not make an error. The Bible or SS teaches without error the truths of salvation. Israel / Hb understanding of the truth. For Israel truth (emeth) is gods faithfulness. The scriptures are true, for Israel does not mean that the SS are without error. The scriptures manifest Gods fidelity to his people.
(true friends = faithful friends)
When we say that the Bible is true
1.                 The Bible teaches the truth of salvation without errors.
2.                 The Bible reveals that God is faithful à Gods fidelity.
DV 11 Pg 7 : Books of the SS
Ch IV DV 14 Pg 8: The OT
The values of the OT------------à last 5 lines
1.                 The economy of Salvation appears as the true WOG,
Gods plan unfolds in the OT (Abraham, Moses & the prophets)
2.                 The OT prepares for & declares in prophecy the coming of Xt thios indicates the coming of Xt & his kingdom by means of types ( Joseph, Moses) they reflect an aspect of Xt for the kingdom.
3.                 Even though they contain matters that are provisional & imperfect, yet they contain authentic divine teachings DV 15.
-                     Express the lively sense of God.
-                     Store house of sublime teachings of the just & mercifyul.
-                     Sound wisdom of human life
-                     Wonderful treasury of prayer.----------------Ps
DV 16 pg 9:
4.                 In the Ot the mystery of salvation is presented in a HIDDEN WAY--------------- DV 16.
5.                 OT shares light ot the NT, which helps us to understand the titles of Jesus à Rabbi, àmessiah, à Passover, à son of David, à suffering servant, Jerusalem, images of the Vine , bread. Bride.
6.                 OT is the reflection of our human life.
We identify with the characters à with the faith journey.
Ch V. NT: DV 17. Pg 9.
The values of the NT. The WOG which is the power of God for salvation is set forth in the NT – the writings of the NT stands as the perpetual & divine writing to these realities
-The wd became flesh.
- Xt established on us the KOG
- Xt revealed his father & him by his death & Ress à sending his HSp
Pg 10: Draws all people to himself, he has the words of eternal life. Apostle, preaching the Gs, He stirs our faith, brings together our church.
DV 18 Gospels: Gs are a principal source of life & teachings of the incarnate word of our saviour.
DV 19: They faithfully hand down what Jesus thought & did for their eternal salvation.
The author selects certain elements that was handed to them, they synthesize according to the situation of the church. They told us the honest truth about Jesus.
DV 20 Pg 11: Firmly establishing those matters which concern Christ, they formulate more & more his precious teachings.
à Preach the saving power of Xt divine work & foretell its glorious consumption.
Ref NJBC 65:54-72.  
DV 19 Pg 36: Formation of the OT 35 ff
The OT canon
1.                                         Law à Torah-----------à 5 Books
2.                                         Prophets-à Nebiim        21 Books
3.                                         Written--à Ketubim        13 Books
                               Total   39 Books    Hb Palestine Canon
                       Greek     à   7 Books Deutro Canonical à Apocrypha Protestant
                                          46 Alexandrian Canon
Sirac; Judith; 1 Mac; Tobit à were written in Hb Aramaic.
        50                55          60           65                70               80            90             100
  I Thess 51        Rom                   1 & 2 Cor       Mk; Mt; Lk       Acts          Jhon         2 Pet
                       Gal; Phil                 Philomon            Col         Hb; Jam          Tit
                                                                             Eph      Jud; 1. Pet    1 & 2 Tim  
                                                                                                             1 2 3 Jn
                                                                                                             2 Thess
The earliest Kerygma ( proclamation) Acts 2:23-24; 32-33; 3:13, 15; 5:30-31.
                                                     Romans: 10:9; 14:9; Col 1:18.
Early Creed : 1 Cor 15:1-11.
Early Hymn : Phil 2:6-11.
Rev past & present.
DV 4 Pg 2. : Rev is complete & perfected (past)
DV 8 Pg 5: God continues to converse with the spouse of his beloved son ( present)
Rev in terms of content is complete (past)
Rev in terms of encounter is continuous (present)
Foundational Rev. The experience of the apostolic community in the
Life / death / resurrection / ascension / HSp.-------------------- past
Dependent Rev : Experience of the community today ------------- present
Scripture / to the preaching / sacraments / recalling life death resurrection, & ascension
Foundational Rev. Closed with death of the last apostle.
Private Revelation:
Revelation which does not form part of the official revelation the SS & traditions.
n                                          They do not give any new doctrines.
n                                          When recognized by the magisterium it becomes private revelations ie recognized & approved.
CCC 67 Pvt Rev they do not complete or add to ‘Christ’s’ rev.
-                               Help us to live in a certain period of history.
Revelation & Symbolic Communication:
Whole of our life is symbolic. Human beings communicate thro symbols. God will also use symbols to communicate with us. The symbols & realities are very closely related, cannot be separated but should not be identified. Symbols speak to the whole person (heart, mind & whole being). Religious symbols are transformative. They make an impact on the whole person. Help to make an unbearable situation bearable.
The author Gerad O Collins. à Retrieving fundamental theology.
Models of Revelation. Avery Dulles.
How does God reveal or communicate with us.
1. God reveals through statements or words teaching proportional words. Ex. The Bible, the documents of the church.                                                                                      Response required. The reader must be attentive to what is thought,                              advantage of looking at rev in the way there is clarification about what God reveals, disadvantage the text must be seen in context.
2                   God reveals thro events or thro history. Ex. Exodusà the exile à the death & Resurrection events of history. Events of my life.
Response : I have to interpret / discern Gods signs
Advantage : We see God as active, proactive, approachable.
Disadvantage : Bible is seen as a mere commentary.
3. God reveals thro inner Experience
Ex I have an encounter with God. In prayer.                                                                                                                                               
Response: Openness in prayer
Advantage: It encourage prayer, Links prayer to theology.
Disadvantage: There is a danger of Individualism
4. God reveals thro proclamation, or judgment that calls for a response
Ex. Proclaiming, when the message is preached.
Response: Obedience. I submit / I surrender.
Advantage : Revelation is a pure gift.
Disadvantage : I remain far from God as a sinner
5.God reveals thro new awareness. Rev gives me a new perspective of life / self Discover God within you. Inner potential.
Response: Dare to dream of a new world / change                                                       
Advantage : Rev promotes human responsibility / credibility.
Disadvantage: Rejects rev from outside.
                                                                                                                            Fr Harry.
All communication involves
The communicator           &          the communicated.
Sender                           &           receiver
Writer / author                             written / reader
Communication involves
1. Medium language & Original language
    Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek.
    Words Idioms Grammar
2. Context.
3. Language & context, predisposition, precomprehension, prejudice.
General principals of interpretations:
1. Key principal :- carefully search out the intended
Meaning of the Author         &             Bible interpretation.
News paper                                       Patriarch, Love Stories
Cartoons                                           Woe, Lamentations.
Reports                                             Genealogies
Literary forms:-    Analysis                   Prophets Oracles
Editorials                                          Liturgical Homilies
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2. Study the Literary Forms.
Jesus teachings, pronouncements, controversies & stories. & what with the how
3. Pay attention to the content & unity of the whole SS
Is 6. God is transcended for as demanding
Gn 2. God is close & near.
Hos 11:1-9. Tender experiences of Love.
The Gospel portrays the down to earth humanity of Jesus.
Jesus is human, he is also far removed from us as a transfigured Lord
Jesus fasts & feasts
Jesus is gentle, meek, strong, & Zealous
Mt 10:37-38   Mt has shown how to understand the interpretation of the GSp
Lk 14:26-27   Lk most probably has the closest version.
Eph 5: 21-22
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