Ministry of the Word
  Enthronement to the Sacred Heart of Jesus



Difference between Enthronement and Consecration.

Enthronement is Enthroning Jesus on your alter and making him the king of your home, visa vie Consecration is Consecration of the family to the Sacred Heart of Jesus  


How Did This Devotion Become begin?

The devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus was believed to have started in the 11th century, but the devotion didn’t spread until Margaret Mary Alacoque, a French nun, began to receive multiple apparitions from Jesus starting On December 27, 1673, Jesus appeared to Margaret Mary as she knelt before the Blessed Sacrament. Jesus told her of His great love for mankind and expressed His desire for her to make known His great love to all. Margaret Mary wrote that Jesus revealed to her, “the marvels of His love and the inexplicable secrets of His Sacred Heart.”

Jesus continued to appear to Margaret Mary and made revelations to her until 1675. It wasn’t until 1856, that Pope Pius IX decreed that the feast should be regularly celebrated throughout the world.


What Does the Sacred Heart Symbolize?

Seeing an image of the Heart of Jesus with thorns and the cross and flames certainly grabs our attention and speaks to us. He is saying, look at My Heart and see what I am feeling. The thorns around His heart are a representation of our sins and how our sinning pierces His heart. The flames and the cross serve as a reminder of the suffering He endured for our salvation and of His burning love for us. The dripping blood represents the blood Jesus shed for our salvation.


A common devotional image of the Immaculate Heart

The Immaculate Heart is almost invariably pictured aflame, ringed with roses or lilies (symbolizing heavenly joy and purity, respectively) The sword piercing the heart illustrates a verse from the Gospel of Luke: “And a sword will go through your heart; so that the secret thoughts of men may come to light”

A heart pierced by seven swords, which represent the “seven sorrows” of the Virgin, symbolize seven sorrowful events described in the New Testament. The seven swords are the emblem of The Lady of Sorrows.



Promises made to Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque

1     I will give them all the graces necessary for their state of life.

2     I will give peace in their families.

3     I will console them in all their troubles.

4     I will be their refuge in life and especially in death.

5     I will abundantly bless all their undertakings.

6     Sinners shall find in my Heart the source and infinite ocean of mercy.

7     Tepid souls shall become fervent.

8     Fervent souls shall rise speedily to great perfection.

9     I will bless those places wherein the image of My Sacred Heart shall be exposed and venerated.

10 I will give to priests the power to touch the most hardened hearts.

11 Persons who propagate this devotion shall have their names eternally written in my Heart.

12 In the excess of the mercy of my Heart, I promise you that my all powerful love will grant to all those who will receive Communion on the First Fridays, for nine consecutive months, the grace of final repentance: they will not die in my displeasure, nor without receiving the sacraments; and my Heart will be their secure refuge in that last hour.


Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

V. Lord, have mercy on us.
R. Christ, have mercy on us.
V. Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, hear us.
R. Christ, graciously hear us.
V. God the Father of Heaven, have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us.
God the Holy Ghost, have mercy on us.
Trinity, one God, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, Son of the Eternal Father, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, formed in the womb of the Virgin Mother by the Holy Ghost, have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus, united substantially to the Word of God.
Heart of Jesus, of infinite majesty.
Heart of Jesus, holy temple of God.
Heart of Jesus, tabernacle of the Most High.
Heart of Jesus, house of God and gate of heaven.
Heart of Jesus, glowing furnace of charity.
Heart of Jesus, vessel of justice and love.
Heart of Jesus, full of goodness and love.
Heart of Jesus, abyss of all virtues.
Heart of Jesus, most worthy of all praise.
Heart of Jesus, King and center of all hearts.
Heart of Jesus, in whom art all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.
Heart of Jesus, in whom dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead.
Heart of Jesus, in whom the Father was well pleased.
Heart of Jesus, of whose fullness we have all received.
Heart of Jesus, desire of the everlasting hills.
Heart of Jesus, patient and rich in mercy.
Heart of Jesus, rich to all who call upon Thee.
Heart of Jesus, fount of life and holiness.
Heart of Jesus, propitiation for our offenses.
Heart of Jesus, overwhelmed with reproaches.
Heart of Jesus, bruised for our iniquities.
Heart of Jesus, obedient even unto death.
Heart of Jesus, pierced with a lance.
Heart of Jesus, source of all consolation.
Heart of Jesus, our life and resurrection.
Heart of Jesus, our peace and reconciliation.
Heart of Jesus, victim for our sins.
Heart of Jesus, salvation of those who hope in Thee.
Heart of Jesus, hope of those who die in Thee.
Heart of Jesus, delight of all saints.

V. Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world,
R. spare us, O Lord.
V. Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world,
R. graciously hear us, O Lord.
V. Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world,
R. have mercy on us.

V. Jesus, meek and humble of Heart,
R. Make our hearts like unto Thine.

Let us pray.

Almighty and everlasting God, look upon the Heart of Thy well-beloved Son and upon the acts of praise and satisfaction which He renders unto Thee in the name of sinners; and do Thou, in Thy great goodness, grant pardon to them who seek Thy mercy, in the name of the same Thy Son, Jesus Christ, who liveth and reigneth with Thee, world without end.




Enthronement of the most Sacred Heart of Jesus



Sweet Heart .of Jesus, fount of love and mercy,

Today we come, Thy blessing to implore;

O touch our hearts, so cold and so ungrateful,

And make them Lord, Thine own for evermore.



Sweet Heart of Jesus, make us know and love Thee,

Unfold to us the treasures of Thy grace.

That so our hearts, from things of earth uplifted,

May long alone to gaze upon Thy face.




Almighty and eternal God who does not forbid us to paint pictures of Your saints so that every time we see them we may be spurred on to imitate their lives and their holiness; we pray that you may bless this picture in honor of Your Only Son, Jesus Christ, Our Lord’s Most Sacred Heart, and make it holy. Grant that everyone who comes before this picture to honor and adore the Most Sacred Heart of Your Son may obtain by His merits and intercession grace in this life and eternal glory in the next. We ask this through Jesus Christ, Our Lord, Your Son, Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever. Amen.

The priest or deacon now hangs the picture on the wall; family prays together the Apostle’s Creed:

I believe in God the Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and earth. I believe in Jesus Christ, His Only Son, Our Lord, Who was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried. He descended into hell, on the third day He rose again. He ascended into Heaven. He is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again to judge the living and dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Catholic Church, the Communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the Resurrection of the Body and life everlasting. Amen.

Everyone now sits down while the priest speaks a few words to the family, reminding them of what the Sacred Heart asks of those families who are consecrated to Him, recalling His magnificent promises to St. Margaret Mary and urging the family to live the Enthronement by means of the consecration which they are about to make or renew.




O Sacred Heart of Jesus / who made known to St. Margaret Mary Your great desire to reign over Christian families / we are gathered here today / to proclaim Your complete dominion over our family. / From now on we promise to lead a Christ like life: / we will strive to develop in our home / all the virtues which bring with them the peace that You promised / and we will not compromise with the spirit of secularism / which You have so strongly denounced.

You will rule over our minds through our deep and living faith. / You will be King of our hearts by our generous love for You; / and we will cultivate this love / by the frequent reception of You in Holy Communion.

Divine Heart of Jesus, / preside over our family gatherings; / bless all our family undertakings, both spiritual and temporal. / Sanctify our joys and comfort us in our sorrows. / If any member of our family should have the misfortune to offend You seriously, / please remind him, O Sacred Heart of Jesus, / of Your infinite love and mercy for the penitent sinner.

And when the hour of separation comes, / when death brings its sorrows into our family, / whether we go or whether we stay, / we humbly accept Your divine will. At the same time we will console and comfort ourselves with the thought / that the time will come when our whole family / will be united lovingly with You in heaven forever. / There we shall sing a hymn of praise to the infinite mercy and love of Your Sacred Heart.

We ask the Immaculate Heart of Mary and our glorious protector, St. Joseph, to offer You this family consecration of ours. May the memory of this consecration be with us always.

We will say one Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be for the intentions of the Holy Father and for absent members, living and dead.


Preparation of the family

for the Enthronement of The Sacred Heart of Jesus.

l. Learn more about the devotion to the Sacred Heart and the Enthronement. We can help with this through our visits. Also, we can encourage the family to read about it and when possible share pamphlets and books for them to read.

2. By prayer. Three possibilities are:

a) Novena of prayers and readings done as a family for nine days preceding the Enthronement.

b) Triduum of prayers and readings – special prayers and readings to be done by the family on the three days preceding the Enthronement.

c) A week of prayer with the Pilgrim Virgin. Since love of Mary should lead us to Jesus, it is most fitting her Son should be enthroned as King after a week of prayer with the Pilgrim Virgin in the home. The statue would be brought to the home a week before and the family recites the Rosary daily in preparation for the Enthronement. This may be a very nice way for families to prepare for the Enthronement especially when the family cannot read or there are no copies of the Novena or Triduum of prayers available. The family may make the Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary at the end of the week and before the Enthronement Ceremony while the Pilgrim Statue is still in the home or the Consecration to the Immaculate Heart may be made after the Hail Holy Queen within the Enthronement Ceremony itself. Then, after having brought her Son into the home, His Mother moves on to prepare another family for His coming.

3. By Confession, Mass and Communion. It would be good if all the members of the family could go for Confession at some time during the preparation for the Enthronement. (To gain the plenary indulgence attached to the Enthronement, Confession must be made within a week before or after the Enthronement, and Holy Communion should be received the same day as the Enthronement.) It would also be good if at least one member of the family would attend Holy Mass and receive Communion throughout the Novena or Triduum. But at least on the day of the Ceremony, the entire family should make an effort to receive Communion together, in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

4. By setting up a “throne” in the living room (or main room) in the house in a conspicuous place. A fireplace mantle, on the T.V. (it will remind them family to watch only good shows) or a table fixed as an altar may be prepared for the “throne”. Cover it with white cloth; decorate with flowers and candles. If a picture of the Sacred 'Heart is to be used and hung on the wall, then in order to bring out the idea of a shrine, a wall bracket may be placed below the picture on which flowers and candles may be placed or they may be put on a table nearby the place where the picture is to be hung. In another part of the room, place the statue or picture of the Sacred Heart on a small table with Holy Water. Here it will be blessed and then carried by the head of the house to the “throne”. Place near or on the throne photos of absent loved ones, living or dead.

5. Invite relatives and friends. This is not essential but it is important; it emphasizes the social aspect of the ceremony; it gives Christ the King more honor; others share the blessings and learn about the enthronement.




All gather around the image of the Sacred Heart; father, mother and children nearest to the priest.

Priest, in surplice and white stole, blesses the image. (If priest is not present, have the image blessed beforehand.)


V. Our help is in the name of the Lord.

R. Who hath made heaven and earth.

V. The Lord be with you.

R. And with thy spirit.

Let us pray. Almighty and everlasting God, Who dost approve the painting and sculpturing of the images of Thy saints, so that as often as we gaze upon them we are reminded to imitate their deeds and sanctity; vouchsafe, we implore Thee, to bless + and sanctify + this image made in honor and in memory of the Most Sacred Heart of Thy only begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ; and grant, that whosever, in its presence will suppliantly worship and honor the Most Sacred Heart of Thy only begotten Son, may obtain through His merits and intercession, grace in this life and everlasting glory in the world to come. Through Christ our Lord. Amen


(The priest here sprinkles the image with holy water.)


Then the father (or in his absence, the mother or some other member of the family) enthrones the image in the place of hon­or prepared for it. This is the symbolic act of Enthronement.


All stand while the APOSTLES' CREED is recited as an act of faith on the part of the family.



I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord; Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified; died, and was buried. He descended into hell; the third day He rose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven, sitteth at the right hand of God, the Father Almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead.

     I believe in the Holy Ghost, the holy Catholic Church, the communion of Saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen.


Everyone is seated while the priest addresses a few words to those present, reminding the members of the family of what the Sacred Heart expects from families which have acknowl­edged Him as King; recalling the magnificent promises of the Sacred Heart; urging the family to live its Enthronement, and frequently to renew the act of consecration which they are about to make.

All kneel, while the priest and the father (or father alone, or his representative) recite the official "Act of Consecration."



O Sacred Heart of Jesus, Who didst make known to St. Margaret Mary Thine ardent desire to reign over Christian families, behold us assembled here today to proclaim Thine absolute dominion over our home.

Henceforth we purpose to lead a life like unto Thine so that amongst us may flourish the virtues for which Thou didst promise peace on earth, and for this end we will banish from our midst the spirit of the world which Thou dost abhor so much.

Thou wilt reign over our understanding by the simplicity of our faith. Thou wilt reign over our hearts by an ardent love for Thee; and may the flame of this love be ever kept burning in our hearts by the frequent reception of the Holy Eucharist.

Deign, O Divine Heart, to preside over our meetings, to bless our undertakings both spiritual and temporal, to banish all worry and care, to sanctify our joys and soothe our sorrows. If any of us should ever have the misfortune to grieve Thy Sacred Heart, remind him of Thy goodness and mercy towards the repentant sinner.

Lastly when the hour of separation will sound and death will plunge our home into mourning, then shall we all and every one of us be resigned to Thy eternal de­crees, and seek consolation in the thought that we shall one day be reunited in heaven, where we shall sing the praises and blessings of Thy Sacred Heart for all eternity.

May the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the glorious Patriarch St. Joseph offer Thee this our Consecration and remind us of the same all the days of our life.

Glory to the Divine Heart of Jesus, our King and our Father!



The priest here asks those present to say with him "One Our Father and Hail Mary" for all the absent members, both living and dead, so that all may share in the graces of the Enthrone­ment.

All recite with the priest (or head of the family) the following:



Glory be to Thee, O Sacred Heart of Jesus, for the infinite mercy Thou hast bestowed upon the privileged members of this family. Thou hast chosen it from thousands of others, as a recipient of Thy love and a sanctuary of reparation wherein Thy most loving Heart shall find consolation for the ingratitude of men. How great, O Lord Jesus, is the confusion of this portion of Thy faithful flock as we accept the unmerited honor of seeing Thee preside over our family! Silently we adore Thee, overjoyed to see Thee sharing under the same roof the toils, cares and joys of Thy innocent children! It is true we are not worthy that Thou shouldst enter our humble abode, but Thou hast already reassured us, when Thou didst reveal Thy Sacred Heart to us, teaching us to find in the wound of Thy Sacred Side the source of grace and life everlasting. In this loving and trusting spirit we give ourselves to Thee, Thou Who art unchanging Life. Remain with us, Most Sacred Heart, for we feel an irre­sistible desire to love Thee and make Thee loved.

     May our home be for Thee a haven as sweet as that of Bethany, where Thou canst find rest in the midst of loving friends, who like Mary have chosen the better part in the loving intimacy of Thy Heart! May this home be for Thee, O beloved Savior, a humble but hospitable refuge during the exile imposed on Thee by Thine enemies.

     Come, then Lord Jesus, come, for here as at Nazareth, we have a tender love for the Virgin Mary Thy sweet Mother Whom Thou hast given us to be our Mother. Come, to fill with Thy sweet presence the vacancies which misfortune and death have wrought in our midst.

     O most faithful Friend, hadst Thou been here in the midst of sorrow, our tears would have been less bitter; the comforting balm of peace would then have soothed these hidden wounds, which are known to Thee alone. Come, for even now perhaps, there is drawing near for us the twilight of tribulation, and the decline of the passing days of our youth and our illusions. Stay with us, for already it is late, and a perverted world seeks to envelop us in the darkness of its denials while we wish to adhere to Thee Who alone art the Way the Truth and the Life. Repeat for us those words Thou didst utter of old "This day I must abide in this home."

     Yes, dear Lord, take up Thy abode with us, so that we may live in Thy love and in Thy presence, we who proclaim Thee as our King and wish no other! May Thy triumphant Heart, Jesus, be forever loved, blessed, and glorified in this home! Thy Kingdom Come! Amen!



(All stand) To thank the Immaculate Heart of Mary for the grace of the Enthronement, and to proclaim this loving Mother as the Queen of the home, all recite the "Hail Holy Queen." (If so desired, an Act of Consecration to the Heart of Mary may be added, and her image installed near the Sacred Heart.)



Hail, Holy Queen, Mother of mercy, our life, our sweetness, and our hope! To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve; to thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley of tears. Turn then, most gracious advocate, thine eyes of mercy toward us, and after this our exile, show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus, O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary.



Queen of the most Holy Rosary, and tender Mother of men, to fulfill the desires of the Sacred Heart, and the request of the Vicar of your Son on earth, we consecrate ourselves to you, and to your Immaculate Heart, and recom­mend to you, all the families of our nation, and of all the world.

     Please accept our consecration, dearest Mother, and use us and all families as you wish, to accomplish your designs upon the world.

     O Immaculate Heart of Mary, Queen of heaven and earth, and of our family, rule over us, together with the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ, our King. Save us from the spreading flood of modern paganism, kindle in our hearts and homes, the love of purity, the practice of the Christian life, (t and an ardent zeal for souls, and for the holiness of family life.

     We come with confidence to you, O Throne of Grace and Mother of Fair Love; inflame us with the same divine fire which has inflamed your own Immaculate Heart.

     Make our hearts and homes your shrine, and through us make the Heart of Jesus rule and triumph in every family in the world. Amen.



Most Sacred Heart of Jesus: Have mercy on us! (3 times)

Immaculate Heart of Mary: Pray for us

St. Joseph: Pray for us.

St. Margaret Mary: Pray for us.

(All) Glory to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus forever and ever! Amen

The priest gives his blessing: May the blessing of Almighty God, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, descend upon you and remain forever. Amen.

Then the members of the family and the priest sign the Certificate of the Enthronement, which should be framed and hung near the image of the Sacred Heart.



Frequent and even daily attendance at Mass by at least one member of the family, and Communion of Reparation. Recite the "Mass of St. John" during the day.

Observance of the First Friday of each month. (Holy Mass, Communion of Reparation: renewal of act of consecration before enthroned image.)

Daily Family Rosary before the enthroned image of the Sacred Heart, with renewal of the act of consecration.

Celebration of the Feast of the Sacred Heart by the entire family; attendance at Mass, Communion for the extension of the Reign of the Sacred Heart through the Enthronement; family gathering and celebration at home, with renewal of Enthronement; special party for the children.

Observe the month of June, the month of the Sacred Heart; keep flowers before the "throne." Mass and Communion as often as possible.

Assist at Holy Hour in Church.

Night Adoration in the home. Any hour between 9 and 6, by anyone or all the members of the family at least once a month.

Celebrate the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary on the 22nd of August. Mass, Communion; Consecration of family to Immaculate Heart.

Make the five First Saturdays in reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and for the conversion of Russia; Holy Mass and Communion of reparation; five decades of the Rosary plus a fifteen minute meditation on the fifteen mysteries of the Rosary. The Rosary and meditation may be carried out at any hour on the First Saturday; a sermon in church will satisfy the obligation of the meditation.

Practice devotion to the Holy Ghost. Recite "Rosary of the Holy Ghost."



(To be said at night prayers in union with all families in which the Sacred Heart has been enthroned.)

Most sweet Jesus, humbly kneeling at Thy feet, we renew the consecration of our family to Thy Divine Heart. Be Thou our King forever. In Thee we have full and entire confidence. May Thy spirit penetrate our thoughts, our desires, our words and our works. Bless our undertak­ings, share in our joys, in our trials and in our labors. Grant us to know Thee better, to love Thee more, to serve Thee without faltering.

By the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Queen of Peace, set up Thy kingdom in our country. Enter closely into the midst of our families and make them Thine own through the solemn enthronement of Thy Sacred Heart, so that soon one cry may resound from home to home: "May the triumphant Heart of Jesus be everywhere loved, blessed and glorified forever!" Honor and glory to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary! "Sacred Heart of Jesus, protect our families




Feast of Sacred Heart; Christ the King.

Anniversary of the Enthronement.




Compiled by:

Anthony Custodio Fiacre DIAS.

+91 9821342681 Bombay India


25th October 2016

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