Ministry of the Word
  OT Intro.. Fr Roland


Fr Roland 01062008.
Structure of the OT:
Torah the first 5 books of the Bible are the Torah.
Prophets Heb – Nebiim these are 21 in #.
Former prophets = Joshua; judges; 1 & 2 Samuel; 1 & 2 Kings. (6)
Later Prophets = Isiah, Jeremaiah, Ezekeil, à Classical prophets (3)
& Minor Prophets (12) = Hosea; Joel; Amos; Obadiah
Jonah; Micah; Nahum; Habakkum; Zephanium; Haggi; Zecharia; Malachi.
I.                               Christian OT = 5 Books the Pentateuch. Genesis; Exodus; Leviticus; #s; Deutro.
II.                            Historical Books 16. Theological.
a.                                          Deutro History. Joshua; Judges; Ruth; 1 & 2 Samuel; 1 & 2 Kings
Liberation of the people in the promised Land (Jerusalem) 1st Exodus.
b.                                         Chronicles  (History) 1 & 2 Chronicles; Ezra; Nehemaih.
c.                                          Tobit; Judith; Esther.
d.                                         1 & 2 Maccabees;
    III       Psalms (3) Ketobim writings 13 Books.     Christian OT à III Wisdom & Poetry 7
                                                                                                      Prophecy           18
                                                                                                      Major                  6.
                                                                                                      Minor                12.
The Jewish OT in Hebrew has39 books
The Xtian OT has 7 extra books = Tobit; Judith; 1 & 2 Maccabees ; Wisdom; Sirach; Baruch.
                                              = 46 books
 Hebrew                                                        XT OT
1. Law Torah 5 Books                                   1. Pentateuch 5 Books
2. Nebiim 21 Books: Former Prophets 6.        2. Historical Books 16
                             Later prophetsà 3.        à Deu History: Joshua; Judges;Ruth;
                             Minor Prophets   12                               1 & 2 Sam; 1 & 2 Kings
3. Psalms 3 Ketobims              12 minor         à Chronicles: 1 & 2 Chronicles; Ezra; Nehemaih   
                                  written 13                  à Tobit; Judith; Esther  
                                                                  à Macabees History: 1 & 2 Macabees.
                                                                   3. Wisdom & Poetry à 7
                                                39 Books      4. Prophecy 18.
                                                                         Major     6.
                                                                        Minor     12.
Xt OT: + (7) Tobit; Judith; 1 & 2 Maccabees ; Wisdom; Sirach; Baruch. = 39 + 7= 46 Books
Ecclesia = church
Qahal = assembly, also meaning the church
Sirac, ecclesiasticus = church, this book is not accepted by the Jews, but it is in the Xt OT.
Formation of the OT:
1.                 Oral stage
2.                 Earliest written form.
3.                 David & Solomons Reign.
4.                 Solomon to Exile.
5.                 Exile
6.                 After exile.
I)                              Oral Stage : The Bible is a revelation of the Word & God himself
The OT took 20 Cen. To be written
The Oral tradition begins around 1950 BC Abrahams time, Moses 12 BC
     2)       Earlier written forms 1). Fragments a) Ex 15:1-8 Song of Miriam 1270 BC
                             b. Basis of the law        1270 – 1230 BC
                          c. Song of Debrah Judges 5. 1125 BC
2) Books : Books of the war of the Lord Numbers 21:14-15
    Books of the Just; Books of songs of praise; slain heroes Joshua 10:12-15
    2 Sam 1:17-18.
     3 i)       David & Solomon: Break up of the OT
    a. Official Document 2 Sam 16-17 Administration of Davids kingdom.
    b. Psalms
    c. Court Biography. How the kingship went from David à Solomon 2 Sam 9-20
       1 Kings 1-2.
     3ii) Solomons Reign 961 BC à 922 BC. Because of Peace & unity in the kingdom they were  
                 able to think & ask Religious & Philosophical quwstions
(3:2 notes) à There are 4 traditions:
1.                 Yawist (Y)/(J) tradition à Gen Ch 12 Genesis salvation begins
                                                   Ch 11 Pre salvation history.
      (J) tradition Gn 2:4b-21.
(check sheet notes)
B’2’ à 3:2.2 Growth in the (P) for worship.
3.2.3 Beginning (Wisdom) Lit
B (4) From Solomon to exile 922 BC.
                                                                                                               Yawist (J)
(B).4.1 à 12 tribes                                                                         Elohim          (E)
      I-------------------I        Northern Kingdom
      I                            I
      I      o                    I
      I___________ _I
      I                            I
      I                o         I   Southern Kingdom
      I___________ _I
4.1 Northern Kingdom = economic prosperity, eco injustice
2nd tradition Eloist tradition à that focuses on the tradition.      
B. 4.2 Amos, Hosea.
3rd Deuteronomist tradition (D).
Pg 3 à 5 Exile
Land promised to Abraham
Temple à God dwelt in the temple à symbol of the presence of the Lord
Kings were the representatives of the God
5.1 4th tradition = (P) priestly tradition. In the creation account Gen 1:1--4a.
5.3 Collection of the Torah
         à 1st à exileà 1-39
Isiah à 2nd à during exile à 40-55   -------à Deutro exile
         à 3rd à after exile à 56-66 
2.                 5.3 Collection of prophetic literature
3.                 5.4 Collection of Psalms
538 BC King Cyrus of Persia defeated Babylon, allowed the people to rebuild their temple.                               
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